Leaping into the New Year

Happy New Year!

Let us all reflect on what the Lord did for us in 2022.

Whether big or not so big, I’m thankful for my salvation. It’s a reminder once again that we have no control over anything or anyone. I have enough trouble controlling me. That’s probably the best thing I can do when situations arise, or difficulties come. The Lord is in control and no matter what came last year I need to continue to trust that He has the best for me and my family. Doesn’t mean that I like everything in life, every person that I encountered, even what God allowed or what He didn’t allow. I’m learning to be content in every season of my life. It’s hard! Following Jesus is not for the weak. I’m glad I am surrounded by believers who continue to fight in faith and continue to stand believing in our God. 

May 2023 bring us storms we can move through. May difficult people continue to shape our character. May we find ourselves on our knees seeking His will. May it hurt us to give our money away, realizing God provides. May tears be shed because we’re crying for help. May we not know exactly what we’re doing in order to ask God or people for help. May humility always find us. May defeat teach us to surrender to God. And, whatever uncomfortable thing comes this year, may we keep following Jesus – no matter what.

Here we go, church! Be ready for the impossible. The moments of healing. That one miracle that will change everything. The faith that moves mountains and the faith that helps us jump out of the boat. We are a pioneer church, going where no one dares to go. Let us go on saying what other people are afraid to say. Fight evil – knowing it will get difficult. Through it all, may our God, Jesus the Messiah, receive all the glory.

21-Day Prayer and Fast

Beginning Jan 9, we will start a 21-day Prayer and Fast partnering with our Foursquare brothers and sisters worldwide. Foursquare is celebrating 100 years! On Jan 1, 1923, Sister Aimee Semple McPherson held her very first church service at Angelus Temple in Los Angeles. I will be asking everyone to get involved. 

Ways to Fast:
Choice 1 – Fast every day for 9 hours. No food, only water.
Choice 2 – Fast a meal a day. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Choice 3 – Rotate choices #1 or #2 every day. 

Each day you will receive an email with prayer instructions and a devotion to reflect on. It’s all about spending time with Jesus, knowing Jesus, talking to Jesus, and seeking His guidance for us individually and our church in 2023.

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