Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. James 4:8 (NLT)
God is always faithful – it is in His nature. This means He is always there for us. But because He gave us free will He left it to us to make the decision to turn to Him; to invite Him into our lives. He desires to be close to us and be our partner in all things.
Jesus meets us where we are.
Perhaps we’ve made some bad choices. Jesus is here for us.
Perhaps we’re suffering from the consequences of a foolish action or attitude. Jesus is here for us.
Perhaps we’ve never been dedicated to seeking Him. Jesus is here for us.
Perhaps we’ve hurt the ones we love and don’t know how to make amends. Jesus is here for us.
Perhaps we’ve experienced an unexpected loss of a loved one and it doesn’t seem fair. Jesus is here for us.
We can’t be polluted by unrepented sin or minds that are not fully committed to the Savior if we want to be close to Him. It’s like when you’re trying to talk to someone in a noisy setting – at a football game, a train station, or a music concert. With all the ambient noise, you can’t hear them. Sin and double mindedness have the same effect. They are toxic.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (NIV)
Jesus has a solution! That is good news. We’re not trapped and alone with no way out. No! We simply must choose to confess and truly repent. Once we make that choice the weight of our burden will be lifted and we will be free to come close to God.
This process will happen many times in our life. His mercies are new every morning. Be honest with God. He knows everything about you anyway so talk to him about anything and He will help guide you to a more righteous and fulfilled life.
Excited to worship and celebrate Jesus together at Barranca Vista Park this Sunday at 12noon.