Jesus is Our Friend, Be One Too

Jesus told his disciples, “I no longer call you servants, you are now my friends.”

My question to you: Do you have a friend? And: What is a friend?

Jesus called His disciples friends even though He knew they would betray Him. He still wanted them as friends. This is the same friendship that we enjoy today as followers of Christ. He loves us unconditionally. We need to model this to a fallen world.

When we volunteer to serve, there is more to our job than helping people and supporting those who need us. Think about the God we represent. Some people may have never heard of Him, some may have heard something wrong about Him, and some may have experienced the church misrepresenting Him. We are called to show them the truth. We can be someone’s friend.

Jesus is my friend, and as we follow Him, we will discover how we can be a true friend to others. The world needs a good friend! Jesus + You

“I have never called you servants, because a master doesn’t in his servants, and servants don’t always understand what the master is doing. But I call you my most intimate friends, for I reveal to you everything that I’ve heard from my Father.”
John 15:15 (TPT)

Let us continue to meet, pray, serve, and love one another. You are an amazing, wonderful and caring church family

I am honored to serve and stand with you.

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