I’m reading the Christmas story found in Matthew and I remember the struggles that Joseph and Mary went through. Their Christmas wasn’t filled with trees, ornaments, popcorn, drinks, family, and friends—not even a church.
Joseph and Mary found themselves with a bunch of strangers and lots of animals. The smells and the weather must have added to the foreign new life they were about to enter.
Someone was in the middle of their new norm, JESUS!!!!
Regardless of what life brings, what season we come into, Christmas or no Christmas, JESUS is in the middle of it all. All we need to do is continue to give JESUS the center of attention and acknowledge Him as the answer to tomorrow. JESUS is the reason for every season of our wonderful life.
Yes, tough times may be here and may remain, but God knows what we need. Church, we need JESUS! Like Joseph and Mary persevered and held on to JESUS, we too, must hold on to the Savior of the world. Emmanuel – God with us.
We are grateful and happy to be near all of you in person and online. God remains faithful. Cheer up. He makes a way. Look for it. We wish you and your whole family a Merry Christmas from your Pastors and leaders here at New Season Church of Ventura.