We have been sharing these words with you these past few weeks. “New” and “Old.” We are familiar with these two words because they have become part of our lives. I love new things – a new meal, a new toy, a new coffee shop to visit. Whatever your “new” is I am sure it brings a smile to your heart. Old, on the other hand, does not necessary bring the same experience. “Old” may be connected with a negative or with old habits that need to be broken. “Old” may take time to make new. You may even feel old and longing for a new body.
As I continue to read the Bible, I am confident that our God is seeking new things for all of us. In His plan “new” is always better and it takes a lot of faith to receive “new.”
God offered Abram something new. “The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1 NLT Abram was told to leave something old and to go to somewhere new. He did not know where that new place was, but what He did know was the old place was over, done, final. Abram left by faith and believed God would take him to the new place even though he didn’t know where that was. Our God we follow wants us to leave old ways, old places, old things, even some old friends, and trust that God has a new place, with new blessings, new people, new things that are better for us.