“All this you have done and I kept silent, so you thought that I was just like you, sanctioning evil. But now I will bring you to my courtroom and spell out clearly my charges before you.”
Psalms 50:21 (TPT)
In scripture, God sometimes keeps silent when humans have done evil. “So, you thought that I was just like you”. In this Psalm we see God describing all the evil that was going on and He kept silent. We think God doesn’t punish the unjust or the injustice around us.
We have heard this before. If you don’t say anything toward the wrong that is going on, you must be in agreement with it. Maybe that is a true statement for us humans, because we struggle with standing up or speaking out. But when we think God is like us, He corrects us in this verse and says, “So you thought that I was just like you.”
The ultimate plan is beyond our own little brain because we are selfish and evil in our hearts. God is not like us. God has a better plan that doesn’t look like ours because most of the time we are only thinking how it will benefit us, the neighborhood we live in or the country we call home.
God thinks about every Human—past, present and future. We might think about 7 people or so. We don’t have His plan and “will” down just yet. Hopefully we are doing better at that and have added some more people to our list.
We are not like God. Jesus came to show us the Father. Jesus came to model the Father. Jesus came to save us and make a way to the Father. All this so we can be like our Father who art in heaven. Jesus did so much through His death, burial and resurrection so that we would have access to Heaven. The Holy Spirit knows Heaven and wants us all to live like we are in Heaven. Yet we struggle to believe and continue to sin when we turn from God’s will and towards ours. When we do this we lose sight of His purpose for us.
“This means that, contrary to man’s perspective, the Lord is not late with his promise to return, as some measure lateness. But rather, his “delay” simply reveals his loving patience toward you, because he does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance.”
2 Peter 3:9 (TPT)
God is so patient and desires all to come to know Him and to repent of their sins. I remember when I knew I should have been punished for the wrong I was doing to people that God kept silent, not because He was cheering me on. No way Jose! He was waiting patiently because He knew something no one else did. I was going to choose Him. I’m so thankful for this.
We don’t get what we deserve because His love for His children is so much bigger. Let us continue to lean on God’s way and His will, as we all take another look at His great mercy and grace toward all people.
I went to marry a great couple in Florida because the man is stationed there in the military. He invited me to marry them and I was honored. It was a wonderful time of celebration with friends and family. God is involved in their beautiful commitment to Him and each other. On my way back home, due to weather, airport dilemmas and situations, I was in airports and planes for about 24 hours. What an experience!
I’m thankful because once again God showed me people I needed to pray for. These are people He loves, cares about and wants to be with Him. So many people and God has relationship with all of them. Thank you, Lord, that in Your silence You are thinking about us.
God bless you, brothers and sisters, may the Holy Ghost continue to lead us toward His will and His plan. Pray for our trek through parks, buildings, and places that bring us together to worship our God. Something new is coming. What that is, I don’t really know. But I believe for it, expect it, and see it by faith. Whatever it is will be GOOD!