There are so many little things in our own personal lives that we need but we don’t notice them. Perhaps we don’t even know how important they are.
This weekend we had a chance to go remind folks in Mexico how much Jesus loves them. Some of these people are incarcerated. Some of these people are the guards that keep the inmates where they need to be. Some of these people are the families – men, women and kids – who came to visit those who are incarcerated.
The details of what we witnessed was profound and significant to those we were visiting as well as to us. Each person was reassured that they are important to God. He sees the little things and He loves all people.
We all need to live the example Jesus showed us. No one is to go unnoticed. No one is too small for our Lord.
We pray that our Father will increase our ability to care for all people in all nations. We asked that He will continue to send us to those who have become little and unnoticed. Jesus came to those people. We are all the same in the Lord’s site. We are those people.
“Listen, one and all! Both rich and poor together, all over the world—everyone listen to what I have to say!” Psalm 49:1-2 (TPT)
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you, church, for investing in resources that go out to bless our brothers and sisters around the world.