As they were walking along, someone said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.” But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.”
Luke 9:57-58 (NLT)
At some point, when we made a genuine decision to follow Jesus, we may not have known to count the cost. What was it going to cost us? What were we going to gain and what were we going to lose? I know I lost contact with some friends. Family members stopped talking to me, plus I moved from a neighborhood where I had grown up for over 10 years. As I continued on this path, Jesus was not popular. Jesus was offensive to some people and my feelings were hurt many times. I felt like my loss was greater than my gain.
In these verses, Jesus’ response was that a person desiring to follow Him must give up what others consider necessities. Jesus had no home of His own nor did His followers. Remember… ultimately, He was on His way to the cross.
I believe the call to follow Jesus will eventually leave our heart empty of the world’s necessities as we keep confessing “I will follow You wherever You go.” I challenge you to evaluate your walk with Jesus. Is it still costing you something? Is it still worth the loss? Are you still falling in love with Jesus and His mission? I hope we all can say, “Yes and Amen…”
New Season Church family, thank you for all your prayers. My family and I are full of love and gratitude toward you. We hold you dear to our hearts and enjoy being a steward of God. We believe it takes a team to advance the kingdom. With you all being part of the team, our duty becomes fun, exciting, and not overwhelming. Thank you to all who volunteer, give, pray and come week after week faithfully to be part of what Jesus is doing.
Great is our God! We will see you on Sunday to celebrate Father’s Day and to enjoy some music, teaching and street tacos. Come and enjoy Jesus + People (and food sometimes!).