The Lord Jesus is our King!
Let us walk by faith, not by sight…
New Season Church belongs to God and His people. That has been the plan all along. As God’s servant, He has placed in my heart to care for His people and to create a team that will help in doing that with excellence.
I am not afraid of the future and what it holds. My faith is in the Lord and my desire is to carefully to follow His steps. We have been praying, meeting, and deciding, about when to meet at the building ”The Willet Center”. Remember – the church never closed, never stopped meeting – nothing can stop that!
Today our faith is tested and we need to rethink “church”
• church is not inside a building
• church is not a building
• church is not a place
The Lord has decided to live inside humans – you and me…those who make Jesus Christ ruler of their lives. Together we become the church. Whether we meet online, at a park, a home, a parking lot, inside Walmart or at a traditional church building. “True worshippers” worship in spirit and in truth anywhere. We determine that, by faith, God will show up and meet His people who seek Him.
We’re happy to announce that we are going to meet once again in person on July 12 at The Willet Center.
If you decide to stay home and continue to worship God with us through Youtube, we support you. Please stay connected to God and to us, through social media, phone, email, texting, fellowship, prayer and reading the Bible.
We plan to have two services on July 12 and we will have a sign-up page soon where you will RSVP. All of us are well aware that COVID is here. We have safety measures in place to adhere to the requirements of social distancing, masks, hand sanitizers, etc., and will be testing those measures in advance to make sure they are effective.
On June 28 and July 5 we will do test services with the Elders, Board, Prayer Team Leaders and the Worship Team.
Please continue to connect online (5pm on YouTube or Facebook) until we’re all together on July 12 at 4pm and 5pm. We will continue to have the 5pm service online with YouTube and Facebook. More information will be sent out to the congregation.
We will continue to meetin on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7pm. If you would like an invitation, please contact us at [email protected] and we will send you a link on Wednesday mornings.
This, and so much more, will be our new reality of what worshiping our God looks like. Be optimistic! We are on an adventure, in new territory, a New Season!
God + People is the goal. Stay in faith, stay in prayer, stay in the Word. Let these three things bend us toward the Holy Spirit’s Fire. I love you and I am honored to be your Pastor during these exciting times. See you soon.
Requirements for Services
If you decide to stay home we support you. We encourage you to continue to worship God with us through Youtube. Please stay connected to God and to us, through social media, phone, email, texting, fellowship, prayer and reading the Bible.
- Masks will be required.
- Adhere to the 6’ markers as you wait to enter the church. Apply the 6’ rule at all times
- ENTER through one door and EXIT through the other door. Signage will be available.
- Chairs will be arranged 6 feet apart.
- Families can sit together.
Children must stay with their parents. (Children’s services are not available at this time. Special packets are available for children to use during the service.) - Hand sanitizers are available for your use.
- All person-to-person contact must be outside the church. Avoid forming groups in common areas.