So Moses made a snake out of bronze and attached it to a pole. Then anyone
who was bitten by a snake could look at the bronze snake and be healed!
Numbers 21:9 NLT
Over the years we’ve had routines, habits, and rituals that have guided us to be better… or not! As we continue following Jesus, He challenges us to get rid of those old ways.
If you recall, God challenged Moses to make a bronze snake to help and heal the people. Moses obeyed God, but I’m sure others didn’t get what He was up to. A bronze snake was contrary to what the Israelites were used to. It was a tool that they had never utilized before.
As we pursue this great relationship offered by God through His Son Jesus Christ – be open, be willing, be optimistic. When the Lord challenges you to do something new, maybe something out of the ordinary… If He says it, let’s do it! Amen.
Continue to pray for our church. We are in communication to reopen so everyone can come back together on Sunday evenings. The county has allowed houses of worship to open with some restrictions. I’m excited about what the Lord continues to do. We will keep following Him and adhere to the rules the country requires. We will let you know the plans as soon as they are set.
Thank you all for being patient, brave, fearless, and strong during a crazy season of change and many caring moments around our country and our world.
NEW IS GOOD for all of us!
We trust God and we love His people.