King David said this about him: “I see that the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.”
If we look at King David’s life, we will discover that he had confidence in His God.
Who do you have confidence in? What is that one thing that you put your trust in?
Our current situations have tested our whole way of living. What we once thought was our security has now shifted, and for some of us, that one thing is gone. Now what?
When David had nothing and when he had everything, he confessed that the Lord is always with him and that he would not be shaken. He knew that the Lord was right beside him.
That is our prayer today. We all can say without a shadow of a doubt, “Lord you are with us; Lord you are right beside us; Lord we will not be shaken no matter what comes. In Jesus’ Name.”