Where’s the Fruit

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15: 5 (NIV)

John 15 continues a long teaching Jesus is giving during the final hours before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Jesus is preparing the disciples for what is to come. He is arming them with the spiritual truths they will need to endure the rejection of the world. He has washed their feet and explained the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will always be with them as they conduct their God-directed purpose.

At the same time, Judas has accepted money from the Chief Priests to betray Jesus. These are dramatic and historic days in history. Jesus knows what Judas has done. He also knows His disciples will be weak in these difficult hours when He would like to rely on them for support. Instead, Christ knows there is only One who is faithful – His Father, God Almighty. He will be with Jesus to give Him love and comfort to withstand the hateful treatment of His captors.

Believers in our circumstances do not have to face these kinds of trials and drama. Nevertheless, Jesus’ teaching in these chapters of John is as relevant for us as it was for His disciples. In John 15:5, He offers a measurement for us to analyze how connected we are to Jesus. He uses the metaphor that He is the vine, and we are the branches. How much fruit we yield is the measure of our commitment to God.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Each of us must realistically assess how our lives impact others—family, friends, and the greater community. The issue is not whether others know we are believers. What is most important is that our servanthood demonstrates our thankfulness for the life of grace, restoration, and salvation God has freely given.

God’s economy is confounding to the unbeliever. The more we give, the more blessings we receive. This is true not just of our finances but also of the time we unselfishly give to help those who are suffering or who have critical needs. Jesus commands that we care for the orphans and widows. Just as He comforts us in times of need, we are to comfort others and love them.

It is a hard question to ask ourselves, but we must. Where is the fruit born out of our lives?

Father, we know the only way is to be close to You. We need to truly be the branches in Your vine so we can bear the good fruit that comes from You. We are confident that You will open doors where we can better serve those around us who most desperately need to be loved and cared for. We are so thankful for Your love of us and Your faithfulness. Amen.