
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13 (NIV)

Believers are bombarded daily with many sources trying to get our attention – multi-screen images supported by exciting or dramatic music with an engaging host like Ryan Seacrest holding our interest. Commercials, news, opinions, fashion, music, and sports – to name a few. By comparison, the idea of sitting down, opening the Bible, and reading the text does not sound like it will hold our interest.

At the same time, by being obedient and disciplined to read The Word and pray daily, the rewards are far superior and long-lasting when compared to the superficial and temporary buzz of worldly pursuits that promise far more than they deliver.

When we dig into the Bible, our minds are renewed, and our eyes are opened to the wisdom of Jesus. Amazing results will happen. We will be blessed. For example, what about reading a scripture you have read before and, in that moment, realizing the meaning for the first time? In the revelation God blesses you with understanding so you can apply the Living Word to your life.

A student of history knows there has rarely, if ever, been a time when the world was at peace. There has always been widespread fear because of conflicts among people groups, natural disasters, and threats of all kinds in the future. We experience the changes that happen over the course of our lives and often it breeds instability and uncertainty.

King David was falsely accused and being hunted to be murdered. Thanks to God he became wise and discerning because he listened to the Lord:

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5 (NIV)

I had a personal breakthrough moment with this scripture on the day of the 9/11 tragedy. I was not at home but working in another city. My wife called and woke me up to hear what was happening. Like everyone else, it was devastating and who knew if it would end? I felt a responsibility to bring comfort to the international delegates attending my company’s conference. I needed God’s help. I opened my bible and turned to Psalm 23. I trusted Jesus and He was there to support and guide me.

Let’s go that extra step … read The Word a little more; pray a little more; and love each other a little more.