I am reminded of what Evelyn said on Sunday, “If there was a test center that tested to see if you were positive or negative for Jesus, what would it say?”
I hope we all would “test positive” for Jesus, but there are times that life situations press us to forget that we are Jesus People. We forget to act like Jesus; we forget to speak like Jesus; we forget to love like Jesus.
These next several Sundays, we’ll look at a new series that will challenge and remind us of who we are, Jesus People.
“…make sure you don’t become so full of yourself and your things that you forget God, your God, the God who delivered you from Egyptian slavery.”
Deuteronomy 8:14 (MSG)
The people in the Bible forgot. We can be just like them. We can forget the blessings, the resources, the salvation, and the sacrifice God has done for us all, even though we didn’t earn it or deserve it.
Prepare your hearts and your minds as we study the Bible together and continue to become Jesus People.
Please Pray
• For our church to reopen soon
• For our upcoming VBS
New Season’s Kids Church team have been pre-recording VBS virtual videos for the past week to bless our kids with God’s Word!
We will launch Vacation Bible School Virtual online from Monday, August 10, thru Friday, August 14.
VBS will conclude on Friday with an exciting drive-in movie night featuring The Star at Ventura Missionary parking lot. Sign up your kids online. It’s free! Tell someone about it…everyone is welcome!