Battle Fatigued or Fatigued?

FATIGUED? Maybe, but to begin with, some of us are battling fatigue. You might argue that the battles are coming at us every day. No, I’m referring to the following battles:

Battles you shouldn’t be fighting to begin with.

  • Picking the wrong battles. (A dog can whip a skunk any day, but does he/she want to put up with the stench?)
  • Fighting demons/spirits that don’t even exist.  Sounds funny but I’ve heard people rebuking this and that spirit (which are unheard of and not found in the Bible)

Remember “The battle is not yours but God’s.”

Like when you’re halfway through a project?
In Nehemiah chapter 4 the people’s strength was giving out (I like to call it, “becoming fatigued”)

Have you ever painted a room? You get excited about choosing the colors, get the room ready and enthusiastic, and start painting with energy. You stop for coffee halfway through, and then as you pick up the brush again, your arms start to ache, and you just say to whoever is helping let’s come back tomorrow or go hire someone else.

Many of us have been there. I was there many years ago, as a missionary in another state. I was doing God’s work, discipling, and doing the practical things of ministry. My day began at 4 am and ended almost every day at midnight.

One day I thought I was coming down with the flu, cold, or something. I did not know what it was, but I was also very tired. That morning I couldn’t get up at all. I slept until the next day. Then I understood I was physically fatigued.

Types of fatigue:
• Physical fatigue
• Mental fatigue
• Emotional fatigue

Other things that can cause fatigue:

Too Busy Trying to Look Good.
I can’t maintain my image and reflect HIS image at the same time.

Too Busy Trying to Please Everyone.
Paul the apostle said in Galatians 1:10 “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” I cannot make everyone happy. If I do, I’m the one who ends up unhappy.

Too Busy Trying to Be Good
We are made righteous (in right standing) because of what Christ did! Our righteousness is like a filthy rag (the Book of Isaiah records)

Fatigued? – the only remedy I have found – is REST
Take care of yourself We only have one of you!  
Jesus said to his disciples come let us rest (Mark 6)