“Watch your step when you enter God’s house. Enter to learn. That’s far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice, doing more harm than good.” Ecclesiastes 5:1 MSG
“The chains of expectation forged with the links of obligations bind me forever in the dungeon of disappointment.” ~Chuck Swindoll
Many of us have been going to church for a long time. The question is are we still learning? I believe we need to keep examining our hearts to truly answer that question.
Enter to Learn
I know God desires to teach us a Kingdom Principle every day. He waits for our attitude to be right; for our heart to be tender; and for our ears to be attentive to His voice. God shows up in many different situations and is always our great teacher.
The lesson is there but are we coming in to learn? I know I have walked around this earth mindlessly doing more harm than good. I chose to have pride and was “too good” for the lessons that our God was trying to teach me.
I just finished an eight-day trip where I was exposed to 60 hours of intense confession, participation, and weeping. I learned more about myself in eight days than in 25 years of going to church. Those 25 years are precious to me. I learned so much through all those seasons, but I also know that sometimes I didn’t want to learn, or I thought I already had learned some of the lessons when I still needed to have a better understanding of them.
Church, there is still so much to learn. It’s wonderful that we have not arrived. It can be sad and frustrating if we don’t continue to thrive after God’s secret place. I challenge all of us to continue to tell ourselves, “I want more!”
Lord, this is our prayer: We invite you to lead us to what’s next for each one of us. We have so many issues and memories inside. We know you desire to set us free from each one.
I love you all very much… we are a house of prayer.