“Then all his disciples deserted him and ran away.”
Mark 14:50 (NLT)“At that point all of his disciples ran away and abandoned him.”
Mark 14:50 (TPT)
No matter what translation you look up for this verse, the bottom line is Jesus was abandoned, deserted and left alone. As a leader in any position or as a parent, you will experience these feelings of loneliness.
People will abandon you. People will desert you.
There are things inside people that we can’t change. We need to continue to invite Jesus to come to us to work out our struggles and issues. There are times when I’ve abandoned Jesus, I’ve deserted Him, and I’ve left people hanging.
It must have hurt Jesus when everyone left Him, but Someone greater remained. Our Father who art in Heaven.
Yes, our Father is here. Jesus made a way for all of us who believe to call on our Father when all else fails or when people leave us. Even when it just feels that way. Our Father is with us through the Holy Spirit and He will remain.
Be blessed as life gives you difficulties. Jesus experienced what we will experience and He overcame. Together as we pray and reach out to Him, He will not disappoint. Thank you for all your prayers and commitment.
Let’s work on being there for people in the same way Jesus is there for us.