Discover More

Several years ago, after cleaning out the family house, I was encouraged to have an estate sale. The amount of “stuff” was overwhelming. We used the yard, the house, the back yard, garage, and the neighbors’ front yard (which happens to be my house). It looked like I was a startup department store. The first weekend of the sale my Uncle and Aunty came to help. Uncle sat at the checkout table. As the day went, you’d often hear him shout, “But, wait there’s more” to the person trying to pay for those things they didn’t know they needed. There were times it worked. Folks would leave their goods and go for another round.

Every Sunday I have thought about that weekend as we’ve been enjoying our current teaching series, “Wait, There’s More.” At times you just don’t know there is more until someone invites you to take another look.

The “wait, there’s more” has hit home for me as I began to realize that instead of expecting more from what I was reading and listening to from our Bible reading plan, I was tending to “sleepwalk” through my “Bible time.” Checking off that box before I rush into my day.

Reading the same verses, I was settling for the same outcomes…it is so easy to get lulled into thinking that the current circumstances of life — the good, the bad and the in-between — are all there is. But the Holy Spirit has been calling out to me, “But, wait there’s more. Take another look. Go deeper. Expect to find what you weren’t looking for.” Can I get a witness?

God always has more.

Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God does exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think. Those two words – exceedingly and abundantly – don’t mean a little bit, or even a lot more but they speak to the “so much more” that causes us to need bigger arms, hearts, buildings/parks and lives to carry it all.

In Psalm 36: 5 – 9 (NLT), David writes about the more of God:

Your unfailing love, O LORD, is as vast as the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
Your justice like the ocean depths.
You care for people and animals alike, O LORD.
How precious is Your unfailing love, O God!
All humanity finds shelter
in the shadow of Your wings.
You feed them from the abundance of Your own house,
letting them drink from Your river of delights.
For You are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.

These verses illuminate the more of God. My God. Your God. Our God. The God of all creation. He is not small minded or small in action. All God is will never be used up or expire. He will always be more, have more, and do more. There will always be more for you. And God is ready to pour more out on you.


Grant me sharper vision so I clearly see the brilliance of Your love that lights up this dark world. May I come to comprehend the faithfulness of Your extreme loyalty to Your Word and to me.

Your purpose for me is exceptionally strong and powerful. Please help me to partner with You to fulfill Your purpose for me. Thank You for Your limitless decrees that always line up with Your Word.

As vast as You are, nothing is lost from Your sight. Not the smallest particle, and certainly not one of Your children. I cannot slip through a crack because You always see where I am and are there to catch me.

Your love is so beautiful that it compels me to come running to You to dwell under the shadow of Your wings. I enjoy the bountiful banquet You spread for all Your children as living water flows from You.

Pure and perfect light radiate from You. Please open my eyes to Your light to see my way forward as I run the race You have set before me. *

I am so grateful to be Yours. I will thank You all my days.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

*This prayer is based on Psalm 36:5-9, The Message Translation