Doing Life Together

Who is in your life?

I once glanced at an article that grabbed my attention – “WHO SHOULD WE CONTACT IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY?” Here is an excerpt from it:

…sitting in the waiting room of a medical professional’s office filling out the new patient paperwork – when that question came up and sent me into about a half day of despair that felt absolutely brutal…

What was the question?

“Who Should We Contact in Case of an Emergency?” I had not filled out paperwork like this in years, so, at first, I didn’t think anything of it until I began to actually answer the question. Why? When I used to have to fill out this type of form, I had three to four names that automatically popped into my mind that I could write down with zero hesitation. But, those people are no longer in my life.

All of us (whether we admit it or talk frequently about it) need people to “do life” with. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase – “no man is an island” – which is so true.

The following excerpt is taken from a lesson from Sam Chand (author and dream coach)
Three types of people you will encounter:

  1. Where you used to be—we reach down to assist them.
    (The best use of power is to give power away—help others succeed.)
  2. People who are going where you are going—we reach out to them.

People who are in the place that you want to be—we reach up to them. We need friends – here’s a list of what to keep in mind.

  1. Celebrate
    Friends that celebrate you and celebrate with you. I heard and pondered upon the following thought for years and recently understood it: Go where you’re celebrated not tolerated.
  2. Confront
    All of us need friends that are not timid when it comes to confronting us.
  3. Comfort
    It is great to know you can have friends that are there in your grieving times.
  4. Confide
    We all need a friend or friends we can confide in.
  5. Challenge
    It is very important to have friends that challenge us. (Having people who are not impressed with who we are.)
    What would you add?

Let’s get out there and do life “Together.”