“Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me.”
John 15:4 (AMP)
Remember when they used to call role in school? The instructor would call your name and, one by one, some would say, “present”; others would shout out, “here”; and the cool kids would softly say, “yo, teacher, I’m right here.” If we went to school and remained, we learned. But some of us often missed because we didn’t want to be there. We made a willing choice to skip out and be absent. The result of that is we wouldn’t learn.
With that said, this is a simple scripture that says a lot. Remain, dwell, continue, be present, abide in ME. Jesus is telling us that as soon as you start seeing ME (because you believed and now have faith in ME) stay with ME on purpose. Don’t think there is something better. Stay with ME. If you stay with ME, you will bear fruit that will tell the world and those around you that your faith in ME is genuine. The faith that produces evidence is a life transformed. That fruit is a result of you staying with ME.
When I stayed in school I learned from school. I received a great consequence because I remained. When we remain with Jesus in our daily walk in this life, we learn from Him, and we receive great benefits that help us and will help others. We cannot bear this kind of fruit by ourselves. We all need to remain in Jesus and the things of Jesus.
Thank you for remaining with us as we continue to meet at the park and do church different. We know it’s not a traditional approach, but we are walking by faith and waiting on the Lord. We will look back with a smile and be able to say, “we kept believing.”
God bless our church, God bless our family and God bless our country.