It Is This Simple

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 (NIV)

This morning I received a long email from a friend (who is a fellow believer) about an ongoing attempt for us to have a written agreement about our work relationship. We have too many versions of the drafts of our written agreement to count them all.

We have overcomplicated a simple interest to work together. There were a couple of straightforward reasons for him to work with me and vice versa. Thankfully, we have decided to spend more time praying.

Is this not the same principle as what we do in our relationship with Jesus? He kept His language plain and easy to understand. In John 8:12, He promises a life of light if we choose to follow Him. How often do we try to figure out a situation or relationship without asking and waiting for His guidance?

We need to remember in these moments when we think we can work it out on our own that He wants to be part of the decision process because His wisdom is going to help us make the best choices. And we know how much better life is when we are walking in the light!

We always have the opportunity to call on the Name of the Lord in all circumstances. So, let us declare to our God, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NLT)

He will never leave us alone. He hears us when we call His Name. He will give us answers that are more than satisfying.


Our Lord and Savior, You gave it all for us. We want to give all of us to You. Keep us from being distracted by overthinking. Guide us to more time praying and reading Your Word so we are more sensitive to Your leadership in our lives in moments of uncertainty and opportunity. There is no situation or relationship that is new to You, even though it may be new to us. We know Your gift of the Holy Spirit is alive in us and always available. Thank You that we are no longer in darkness. We know the light of life. We desire to increase Your presence in our lives. Praise be to God. Amen

Let us keep it simple this week. Walk in the light and love on somebody who needs a helping hand.