And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. Matthew 24:6-7 NLT
Jesus began to describe the events leading up to His return in glory and to indicate signs of that return. But all through history have heard or experienced war.
Jesus is coming back but is He coming back today, tomorrow, or later?
Believers eagerly wait for His return.
Yes, He is coming back!
Wars will continue. Rumors of wars will continue. Famine and disease will continue. Jesus warned us that these and more terrible things will come. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a sad and terrible thing for people to go through. Sadly, more conflicts will come.
What can I do, Jesus? I’m scared, Jesus! Please make it stop, Jesus!
Church, whatever you are feeling know that Jesus is aware of the events. He is not surprised. He knows what is going on. As we keep on praying and fasting, we must stay alert. Be aware and attentive to the Holy Spirit. He will lead us to truth as we commit to pray and seek His wisdom.
Don’t panic! The wars and much more must happen. But we have hope with Jesus who will guide us and protect us.
We love you and partner with you in this fight to bring down strongholds in people’s lives. God is powerful and in control. As you see negative things going on around our world, there is no reason to doubt our faith. God’s ways are not our ways. Our trust is in the Lord.