Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6 (NLT)
Today we are bombarded with so much information. People from various platforms are giving us insight into these different worlds: politics, economy, environment, race, COVID, vaccines, conspiracies, etc. These talks and conversations are intertwined with false information, exaggerated data, and somewhere in there is the Truth. We are left with choices. What is the Truth? May God help us.
Jesus came to guide us to Truth, away from what the world (in Roman times) thought was the Truth. Because He knew the Truth, He spoke out about false teachers, and He was crucified. The Truth is still among us in these confusing times we are experiencing. We, as believers, need to continue to seek the only Truth that will lead us out of being scared, uncertain, and worried.
Jesus is The Way – Jesus is the Truth – Jesus is the Life
Our practice must include daily devotion to Him and reliance on Him to show us what to hold on to and what to throw away. Jesus has been the Truth in every generation, including now. He is steadfast to guide us out of the noise that is misleading a lot of believers away from God, the Bible, and the church. Stay focused on your relationship with the Holy Spirit. He will instruct us; He will tell us secret things; He will comfort us. Jesus is our only hope.
Please be careful about what content you allow into your mind; it can plant an ungodly seed in your heart. Stay in the Word. When asked a question by the media, Billy Graham would say, “What does the Bible say?”
Keep praying about our adventure as we explore possibilities of going into Oxnard. The Council (Board + Elders) has been praying and talking about this path we are on.
We started New Season Church with the understanding that everything we have in our hands belongs to God. We, as Pastors and Leaders, are the stewards of His things. When we say “Yes” to Him, it means He leads and we follow. Let’s unite in prayer as we follow His voice and His plan. Ventura + Oxnard only means reaching more people who need Jesus. We are a church for people, no matter where we go.