When COVID hit last year, there was so much uncertainty about New Harvest remaining open. Despite limited resources and complying with COVID restrictions, we could finish the school year with online teaching. We took a hit by letting go of some of our part-time instructors but now have 11 full-time and 6 part-time staff. Several private schools have closed, but although difficult, we have been able to stay open.
We received much-needed funds from the California Cares Act, and praise God we don’t have to repay the loan. Our student total was at 60, which was not enough to support the school, but by year’s end, we increased enrollment to 104. Glory to God! We are also excited to report that no one has gotten sick.
Please pray for our principal, Carol Ford, whose unwavering faith and organization have been vital in the direction of New Harvest. Pray for our staff and their families and our students and their families. We believe God will continue to be faithful! If you would like to give, please click here: