“Now you understand that I have imparted to you my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will harm you as you walk in this authority.” Luke 10:19 (TPT)
Sometimes wars were fought to obtain certain rights and establish certain laws. Our victory has already been won through the cross, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ who is now calling us to do our part. He has given us authority to respond back when the devil tries to control our mind.
You and I are like the governing civil authorities who must now enforce God’s kingdom on earth. It’s our duty to stand against all spiritual enemies and the demonic oppression that continues to fight the church. These dominions are in opposition to God’s laws. God has delegated power and authority to us to enforce His divine will in our homes, workplaces, cities, country, and the world. In the name of Jesus! By the power of Jesus who has been imparted to us through God who gave Him to the world.
When we believed in Jesus, He gave us “another” who would give us boldness and courage to take the oppression out of us. Thank you, Holy Spirit!
Church, we must stand together. We must fight together. Prayer and fasting is half the battle. Please make these two practices a common thing in your Christian walk. I also invite you to join a weekly Prayer Connect.
I can’t tell you how important it is right now that we keep praying for our nation. God help us. May His mercy continue to overflow our lives and those around us. We need Jesus only. Father, continue to pour Your wisdom on us. We lean toward You, Holy Spirit, and we bow our knees to You.
Stay connected, church. I love you very much. God is our hope. Pray!