The Fruit of New Season

Spring is here!

Soon the fields of strawberry plants will explode with fragrance and blossoms. Many of us are waiting impatiently for the “strawberry stands” to open so we can take baskets and flats of fresh, huge berries home to enjoy. Fresh strawberries, strawberry shortcake, homemade strawberry ice cream…springtime deliciousness!

One of my fondest springtime memories is my dad’s “backyard garden.” One year he transformed one-third of the backyard into a vegetable garden. Perfectly straight rows, everything planted by size…radishes, carrots, melons, squash, potatoes, green beans (my favorite so there were multiple rows of them), and corn. Every day of spring he would work diligently planting, weeding, watering, creating bird netting and scarecrows to protect the “fruit” of his labor. (True confession, I was the silent observer of my dad’s efforts…there were bugs out there for goodness’ sake.) In addition to the garden, we also had multiple fruit trees: orange, apple, pear, nectarine, and peach. During the growing season, anyone who came to visit would take a tour of the garden…yes, it was that impressive. As the days grew warmer there was a lovely display of blossoms and a wafting fragrance letting us know what was soon to come. It was certain that many would enjoy the bounty of dad’s garden.

Wise King Solomon reminds us that just like those fruits and vegetables were to be shared so is the “fruit” that comes from our lives.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30 (NKJV)

The fruit that Solomon writes about is our influence in our family, workplace, and community. Influence that supports and nourishes others. This fruit is revealed by our outward actions that reflect our inner character (just like a plant holds all the DNA to grow fruit, it is revealed outwardly…there is no hidden fruit).

Taking time to develop our internal Godly character is crucial to the world around us. Our “fruit” is to be sweet and desirable, not sour accompanied by a bitter aftertaste.

What is the fruit, the character, should we develop? Let’s look at Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV):

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

This is our spiritual DNA. When we take the time to plant, water, weed and guard against predators, these become our outward influence to a world in desperate need of all of them. A natural result of bearing this kind of fruit in our lives is found in the last phrase of Proverbs 11:30, “and he who wins souls is wise.”

A little Hebrew language insight: “wins souls” in the original language means to catch as a fisherman. Remember what Jesus told the first disciples? That they would be fishers of men. As they followed Him, Jesus began to develop their spiritual DNA (godly character) so that after His death and resurrection, they would be influencers that would change Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria and even the ends of the earth. The same is true for us.

Spring into action! Spring into reading and studying the Bible! Spring into changing points of your character that are not part of your spiritual DNA. We won’t be perfect, but we will become, and keep becoming, a sweet fragrance and taste to those around us. We will see our homes, workplaces, cities, and world change.

Father, you have placed within each one of us spiritual DNA. It was activated when we said “yes” to Jesus. Help us to quiet the DNA of the culture and world we live in and to allow Your DNA to bear fruit. We want people in our circle of influence to taste and see how good You are. We want them to say “yes” to Jesus too! Help us to win souls for You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Let the blossoms bud…let’s fill every chair…let’s fill the park. Let’s bring joy to our Father’s heart by wisely winning souls.

It’s time for the fruit of New Season to burst forth.