The Great Miracle

Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” John 20:18 (NIV)

He came to the disciples, Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21-22

When Jesus first appears to Mary after He has left the tomb, she does not recognize Him. Jesus prompts her, and she finally understands. How many of us would know the Lord if He stood before us?

We get to read this magnificent story. We know how it ends. Jesus overcomes death. But imagine His apostles and others who were close to Him trying to process the monumental events of these days. The many miracles. The Last Supper. The betrayal. The unfair trial. The condemnation of the innocent Lamb by the same people He came to save. His physical agony culminated in being nailed on a cross, where He took His last breath.

And then He appears—He lives again! He rolled away the stone to bring a great gift to His followers—the Holy Spirit, the third element of the Holy Trinity. Because of this, believers are never alone. Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are with us. They are in perfect harmony. They are unity. They are one!

Praise the Lord! He took our sins to the cross and died for us. We can live again. We are reborn. We are forgiven. The weight is no longer on our shoulders. Before He died, the Lord gave a long teaching to the disciples as He washed their feet. He explained what was going on and what would happen. He gave a roadmap to help His disciples get through the difficulties they were facing.

His words are meant for all of us who believe in Him.

We want to shout it out! “The Lord is good. His mercies endure forever.”


Thank You, dear Jesus. We love You. We are so grateful to You. You gave Your life to save us. We are free. You are truly our Savior and Lord. We will celebrate in honor of You this week like never before. You deserve all the glory! Amen.