Dear Family,
We send you a very big greeting from Spain. In recent months we have continued with the Lord’s work here, and we have also worked on new projects that we will now share with you.
We are very grateful to the Lord for being part of his precious work, we are also very grateful for having your prayers and support, we feel you are close and that gives us a lot of strength and encouragement.
As many of you already know, we were going to travel to the USA this past month, but it was not possible due to Simón’s health, we have visited the doctors in recent months and the tests on his heart did not go well, so the doctor advised him not to fly for moment, thank God he’s feeling much better.
Marta continues with her treatment for her eyes, at the moment we do not see any progress but we continue to trust God. Our daughter Melani and Jose will be parents again in January, the pregnancy is risky so we ask you to pray for her and the baby. We know that God has everything under His control.
As you can see in the photo, a couple of months ago we had a beautiful visit from our Pastor Rafa, his daughter Leilani and our friend Bruce. We had a beautiful time with the three of them, they encouraged us to keep going and they helped us a lot, it was a pleasure to have them here and be ministered to by them.

Team Luis. Serving the homeless.
We continue to serve food to the homeless and share the word of God with them. These last few months we have had many new people, especially many young people from Algeria and Morocco, it is very sad, they have arrived here without their families, and it is another great opportunity to share the love of Christ with them.

ATRÉVETE ( Citykidz)
This summer God allowed us to continue in the streets, sharing the precious message of Jesus, the children and their families have been faithful every week and of course the Holy Spirit who has accompanied us at all times. Now we are preparing a Christmas festival to take it to each point of Atrévete, in the theaters of each town.
Thank you all again, we ask you to continue praying strongly for Spain, for our family, also for our children and families in the program and each of the homeless people that we deal with daily, that the Lord give us wisdom at all times. We love you ❤️