With God, There is Hope

The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and dont live in dread of what frightens them. Make the Lord of Heavens Armies holy in your life. He is the one you should fear. He is the one who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe. But to Israel and Judah he will be a stone that makes people stumble, a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem, he will be a trap and a snare.
Isaiah 8:11-14 (NLT)

The Lord had given Isaiah a message for the people. These verses describe what the Lord wanted them to hear and to do. The circumstance was before them, the coming Assyrian invasion of their land was about to take place.

The people feared the inevitable. The reality that nothing they could do would stop what God had ordained and commanded. We, too, face the same scenario. Something is coming that we cannot stop. It will encounter us all and it has invaded our world.
Death is coming to us all. This subject doesn’t get much attention and we try to avoid this conversation, but it is necessary for us to embrace the fact. We all will die; we all will come to nothing. Plus, all that we have will be left behind to the living.
Here is the plan. Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like the ungodly, and don’t live in dread of what frightens the ungodly. Make the Lord of Heavens Armies holy in your life. He is the one you should fear. He is the one who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe
God wants us to be a people of hope. A people that doesn’t fear death but will embrace it because its coming, and God will help us through it. We need to plan and be ready because whats coming is greater than the life we are living. Make the Lord of Heaven holy in your life as we continue to work for Him and continue to be responsible with His calling. He is faithful and will be with us even on to death. 
We will be with the Lord in the absence of this life. Heaven is what awaits those who believe in Jesus, who trust in His words: “I go and prepare a place for you” (Luke 14). So don’t fear death. Plan and continue to get your material things in order. Talk about it to your loved ones. Celebrate the people in your life. Know that everything will work out because we have God as our helper and strength.
Every time I go on a trip, I have a routine. If I am leaving for days, this is what I do. I put all my shoes in a nice straight line, I clean my room, and I put my clothes away. I never want to leave a mess for my wife. This is something I didn’t do in the past.  I do this now because I never know if that trip might be my last. I live trusting in the Lord, my life is in His hands.